- Name Numerology (Personal & Business)
- Birthdate Numerology
- Mobile Numerology
- Car Numerology

- Life Event Prediction
- Birth Chart Analysis (Using Vedic )
- Birth Chart Analysis (Using Nadi )
- Birth Chart Analysys (Using Kp )

- Vastu Visit ( Virtual )
- Vastu Vist ( Physical )


About Us
Gratitude to the universe for connecting me with you. I will definitely try to help you with my knowledge and Experience. Hi, I am Debratna. your Friend, Guide & Life coach.
I am Numerology expert ,Astrologer & Vastuvid . I am helping people for the last five years to find answers in their lives. I love to help my client when they are in need. My main motive is to give my clients clarity and insight regarding their life and I also empower you with the spiritual knowledge of different energies revolving around us.
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really loved tumi jebhabe predictions dile r khub details e bujhiyecho sob kichu r khub easy remedies provide korecho… i highly recommend him
very good experience...all my questions are answered nicely..thank you so much sir...
Predictions are all accurate..... Onek help holo... Onek kichu jante parlam....